Product Content

2014 SynerGreen Our Partnership with Mother Earth


Steel –The steel we purchase contains approximately 35% recycled material, 20% of which is post-consumer material.

Substrates – Particleboard and MDF for both chairs and tables is composed of 100% pre-consumer recycled fiber, and has been evaluated and certified as such by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS). In addition, the Composite Panel Association (CPA) certifies our MDF as an Environmentally Preferable Product. Our primary plywood and hardboard supplier is certified as meeting the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard for procurement programs and our OSB supplier practices sustainable manufacturing operations such as reusing bark and wood rots as fuel for the plant’s energy requirements.

Wood Veneer – Our veneer suppliers ensure proper sustained yield harvesting is practiced, and procure all wood products through Forestry Best Management Practices established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Foam – MTS uses COMFORTbliss® Foam for most of our standard seat styles.  COMFORTbliss is made of approximately 20% natural plant polyols in place of the standard petroleum-based polyols in urethane foam, while providing the same comfort and durability as standard urethane.

Powdercoating – The powder we use is free of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), and nearly all excess powder is reclaimed and reused in the application process.

Stains/Finishes – Our water-based wood stains and clear coats, as well as our powder coat metal finishing, avoid the release of solvents into the environment.

Laminate Tabletops – We procure our laminates from Wilsonart, Nevamar, Pionite and Formica, each of which has established environmental programs (see their websites for more details). We use water-based glues and recycled substrates on most of our laminate tabletops.

SierraSolid® Tabletops – Our solid surface tabletops are easily repaired, thus yielding a longer life cycle of the product. Most color blends (Granitz, Alumistone, Quartzstone) are made of between 66% and 95% post-consumer recycled material and the closed-mold casting process uses no formaldehyde and eliminates VOC emissions.  These products have received Green Certification from Scientific Certification Systems for utilizing recycled content.

Butcher Block Plank Wood Tabletops – Our supplier harvests all the wood used in manufacturing from their privately owned and sustainably maintained forests. The glue is formaldehyde-free, and all scrap wood is re-used to heat their facilities.

Innovative Resin Technologies® (IRT) – MTS has implemented the use of IRT molded components in select seating product lines.  IRT utilizes technology called ReTex®, which is the result of a patented melting process that uses 100% Polyolefin-based post consumer plastic industrial waste.  The resulting product is ultra-durable, moisture resistant and free of toxic byproducts.

Chemicals of Concern - MTS manufactures in a responsible manner and our products are FREE OF: BPA, formaldehyde, halogenated organic flame retardants, antimicrobials, PVC*, phthalates, intenionally added CA Prop 65 chemicals, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, flourocarbons, DEHP, HHI chemicals, and mercury.

*handtrucks excluded

Recyclability - The packaging, frame, wood components, foam, upholstery and IRT materials (if applicable) of our seating products may all be recyclable through local resources. Check with your community recycling program or visit for additional recycling tips.